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Category: Sage’s Corner


An author’s mind can be a frightening place.

Filled with curious ideas, both dark and light. Love, laughter, suspense, terror, grief.

We also ride a fine line between obsessively organized and chaotically creative. We also skirt the lines between sadist – pushing our beloved characters through pain and hurt and challenge, forcing them to grow – and masochist – pushing ourselves through the often-painful processes of outlining, drafting, editing, cutting beloved scenes, and searching for the “perfect” word for a passage.

Authors, like doctors and lawyers, practice. Daily. Constantly refining our technique and skills to make each project better than the last.

I’d like to tell you that I’m an overachiever, a perfectionist. I am the latter, but admittedly, I’ve been a tad lazy on the former. Thus, I am making myself accountable to you, my dear readers, to get these stories off my draft shelves and into your hands, with weekly updates and stories about my process.

I wish you many happy tales, both within these screens and in the books that line your shelves and grace your hands.

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